Our Articles

Please see below for our articles, which we hope you find useful in helping you to decipher VAT and TOMS. These articles, written by Laura Chipp, started out a while back on LinkedIn and the comments received made it clear that VAT and TOMS advice written in "plain English" was both rare and really useful! Please contact us if you'd like to discuss any of our article content.

UK VAT refunds for overseas businesses

UK VAT refunds for overseas businesses

Here we explain the process of claiming a UK VAT refund for overseas businesses who are not required to register for UK VAT

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The decision in Bolt Services UK Ltd - TOMS continues to apply to single services supplied by businesses other than "tour operators"

The decision in Bolt Services UK Ltd - TOMS continues to apply to single services supplied by businesses other than "tour operators"

Bolt has won its Tribunal case, meaning that TOMS continues to apply to businesses who are not "tour operators" and who sell single travel services

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Our first experience of reaching an agreement with HMRC via Assisted Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Our first experience of reaching an agreement with HMRC via Assisted Dispute Resolution (ADR)

We recently had our first experience at settling a case via ADR. Read on to see how this process can be a solution for a VAT dispute.

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The Golf Holidays Worldwide FTT case - TOMS and wholesale services

The Golf Holidays Worldwide FTT case - TOMS and wholesale services

Comments on the recent FTT decision which concerns the application of TOMS to wholesale services

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The Sonder Europe FTT case - TOMS can apply to serviced apartment operators

The Sonder Europe FTT case - TOMS can apply to serviced apartment operators

The FTT decision in Sonder Europe has finally been released and Sonder have won! This means it becomes less risky to use TOMS for serviced apartment operators but this should be applied with caution..

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What is the EU TOMS reform and why do we care after Brexit?

What is the EU TOMS reform and why do we care after Brexit?

The EU is planning to reform the TOMS rules, and post Brexit this may still impact UK tour operators. Here, we set out the reform possibilities and how this may affect you.

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Plans to make online travel booking agents “platforms” responsible for paying VAT in the EU

Plans to make online travel booking agents “platforms” responsible for paying VAT in the EU

We set out the proposals from the EU Commission to require online booking platforms to be responsible for paying local VAT on accommodation and transport from1 January 2025

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TOMS VAT Calculation Examples - the post-Brexit edition

TOMS VAT Calculation Examples - the post-Brexit edition

We have updated our "much-loved" TOMS VAT calculation article to cater for the post-Brexit world!

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Recent VAT developments for travel and serviced apartment businesses

Recent VAT developments for travel and serviced apartment businesses

VAT developments on travel booking platforms, German VAT and serviced apartment operators to welcome the start of 2023! :-)

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Limitations to the use of TOMS for serviced apartment operators

Limitations to the use of TOMS for serviced apartment operators

TOMS may be a preferred method of accounting for VAT for many serviced apartment operators. However, there are limitations on the use of this scheme, and we set out our comments on this here.

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The 2021 Autumn Budget - any VAT news?

The 2021 Autumn Budget - any VAT news?

The Autumn Budget was released today and we look at what (if any!) impact this has had on VAT

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Should I keep my TOMS transport company post-Brexit?

Should I keep my TOMS transport company post-Brexit?

Now that we have "Brexitted", the TOMS transport company may for some businesses have limited use. Read on to find out whether you should keep yours in operation.

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